Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Pizza Monkey Bread

Oh my it has been too long! I haven't been trying new dishes or anything lately with summer here but I finally made something new last night. I was so pleased that my kids enjoyed it to, the majority of the time I hear "This is gross" before they even try it. Last night took no convincing to eat at all which makes for a much more peaceful evening. I had to improvise with the Parmesan cheese, I didn't have much but I did have some packets left over from the last time we had take out pizza >:O

Here is what you will need:

Cut the biscuits into quarters, like this:

End result, delicious!

Pizza Monkey Bread

1/3 c Olive Oil
2 cans biscuits
2 cups mozzarella
1/2 package of Garlic Galore Dip Mix
1 c  parmesan cheese
8oz package of pepperoni

1. Preheat the oven to 350*
2. Cut the biscuits into quarter sections like the picture above. I also cut up the pepperonis into smaller pieces as well.
3. Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix well
4. Evenly spread throughout the bundt pan
5. Cook for about 30 minutes or until center is cooked and top has browned
6. Enjoy!

We used a jar of marinara for dipping as well. I hope your family enjoys this as much as mine did, we started eating before I remembered to take a picture of the end results!