Saturday, April 1, 2017

Beer Cheese Soup

Oh my goodness, I have seriously let too many things go to the wayside lately 😱 I had way to much on my plate before and have stopped doing several things but this is one thing I truly want to get back to, sharing delicious recipes!
So without further ado, today's yummy creation! Not only would this be amazing as is as a soup, you could thicken it up and use pita chips to use this as a delicious hot dip.

Beer Cheese Soup by Anna Kloehn
1/2 c butter
1 c flour
4 c chicken broth
4 c shredded cheese
1 c sour cream
8 oz beer
1 package Party Time Mixes Cheesy Bacon Dip Mix
1. Melt butter over medium/high heat
2. Add in flour, stirring well
3. Add in broth and continue stirring
4. Mix in package Party Time Mixes Cheesy Bacon Dip Mix and bring to a boil
5. Reduce heat to med/low and add in sour cream and shredded cheese.
6. Once all the cheese has melted add in beer.
7. Simmer until soup thickens.
8. Serve and enjoy!