Thursday, September 3, 2015

Look what I found!

Recently I won a new consultant kit with a new company. I already have two companies that I am working and I very seriously debated starting another one, but after doing some research I got very excited about the kit I won. The value of the kit is astounding and what excited me even more is the fact that this company is brand new, like just started in March 2015 BRAND NEW! There is something exciting and challenging about working with a company that just opened. It is going to be so exciting growing and expanding with this group of people and I will have the chance to really get to know the people behind the scenes at home office.
I joined Party Time Mixes just a few short days ago but I already have a ton of interest from friends and family about what all you can do with these mixes. I am anxiously checking my email all the time for the tracking info for my starter kit! I can't wait for it to arrive and to share with everyone all the awesome mixes that I get to try out. 

If you are interested in learning more contact me today! We can do an online party or you can join my team and get support from day 1. Check out my site at MrsMixAlot

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