Monday, October 16, 2017

Watermelon Rice Krispies

Summer may be over but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy an easy and delicious treat! If you aren't a fan of watermelon (I am not!) You could totally do this same recipe but substitute the Strawberry Dessert Mix (or any of your favorite flavored Party Time Mixes Dessert or Cocktail Mixes) and get super creative with presentation. I personally know that the Cotton Candy Dessert Mix and marshmallow fluff together are delicious! You could use that and dye it pink or blue for your own version of cotton candy rice krispie treats.

Watermelon Rice Krispies by Amanda Harris Blaylock

9 c Rice Krispies 
28 oz Marshmallow fluff
Red food coloring
Green food coloring
Party Time Mixes Watermelon Dessert Mix or Watermelon Cocktail Mix
Chocolate Chips 

1. Mix 14 oz of marshmallow fluff with green food coloring (add drops until the color you desire is reached) until well blended.
2. Fold in 4 c of Rice Krispies, mixing well.
3. Place green mixture around the sides of a round dish.
4. Mix 14 oz marshmallow fluff with one package watermelon mix and red food coloring (remember to add drops until desired color is reached) until well blended.
5. Fold in 5 c Rice Krispies.
6. Place in the center of your pan and flatten so that it reaches the "rind" or green Rice Krispies. 
7. Sprinkle a few chocolate chips on top to resemble watermelon seeds.  

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