Thursday, September 28, 2017

Cheesy Burger Sauce

This recipe is for the cheese lover! This would be perfect over a burger or an open face hot roast beef. Or maybe just as a fondue dip. Really anywhere hot cheese would be good, you could use this. Perfect for fall and winter, just looking at this is making me hungry!

Cheesy Party Time Burger Sauce by Mica Dupwe

1/4 c melted butter
4 oz cream cheese
1/2-1c of your favorite shredded cheese

1. In a small saucepan, melt butter completely over medium heat. 
2. Once melted, add cream cheese and whisk until smooth. 
3. Add in the cheese and continue to whisk. 
4. If mixture is too thick for you, add 1 tsp of milk. 
5. Next, add in at least 1 Tbsp of your favorite Party Time Mixes Dip Mix.
6. Pour over sandwiches or use as a sauce. 
*This is supposed to be thick and creamy.*

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