Wednesday, November 8, 2017

White Chocolate Orange Truffles

If you are looking for a super easy to make item for those upcoming holiday parties, look no further! These are so simple and the longest part of putting them together is waiting for the mix to chill. I really love the idea of using the Orange Dream Cocktail mix for this but if that isn't your favorite flavor, there are so many more options available at Party Time Mixes. You can get as creative as you want to with this recipe. What flavor would you use?

Orange White Chocolate Truffles by Sherry Rickabaugh
Makes about 12

1/2 package Party Time Mixes Orange Dream Cocktail Mix*
1/3 c heavy cream
12 oz white chocolate chips

1. Mix Party Time Mixes Orange Dream Cocktail Mix* and cream until well blended, set aside.
2. Melt chips in a double pan/water on the bottom, never let the water touch the bottom of the other pan. (Or melt in microwave stopping at 30 minute intervals to mix)
3. After its almost melted, take off heat and add orange mixture.
4. Cool in refrigerator for about an hour, however you will need to warm it in the microwave to scoop out , about 30 seconds.
5. Scoop out and round truffle mix. Set on waxed paper.
6. For an extra touch coat with powdered sugar or coat with dark chocolate before setting on waxed paper.  
7. Chill until firm and serve cold. 

*Substitute with your favorite Party Time Mixes Cocktail Mix. 

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