Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Banana Chocolate Cupcakes

Working on recipes and this one is amazing and, my favorite, simple! You could substitue any number of flavors for the banana mix for this one. You could even substitute the chocolate cake mix for vanilla. If you swapped for vanilla and added another mix into the cake batter the flavor would stand out even more. I keep thinking about Cotton Candy, probably because that is one of my favorites! I love having all of these beautiful recipes shared with everyone. If you have a recipe you would like shared let me know!

Banana Chocolate Cupcakes by Brandi Colvin Drew

1 chocolate cake mix (prepared as directed)
1 can vanilla frosting
1 package Party Time Mixes Banana Cream Pie Dessert Mix

1. In a bowl combine frosting and package Party Time Mixes Banana Cream Pie Dessert Mix. Mix well with a mixer.
2. Set aside to let flavors combine.
3. Bake cake as directed for cupcakes. (You can add in an extra package Party Time Mixes Banana Cream Pie Dessert Mix to the cake batter to up the flavor!)
4. Once cupcakes have cooled completely, mix up your frosting again for 4-5 minutes.
5. Frost cupcakes.
6. Decorate with a drizzle of chocolate syrup, sprinkles or fresh banana.

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