Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Snickerdoodle Cups

I love stuffed cookies! They don't get any better than Party Time Mixes stuffed cookies either. I actually like these ones better than the mall because the stuffing isn't so overwhelming sweet. It is a wonderful, fluffy, flavorful filling that won't leave your teeth aching! Plus I don't feel like I have overindulged like I do when I get frosting stuffed cookies.

Salted Caramel Snickerdoodle Cups by Sandy Claycomb

1 package snickerdoodle cookie mix, prepared as directed
1 package Party Time Mixes Salted Caramel Dessert Mix*
8 oz cream cheese
12 oz whipped cream

1. Mix cookies according to package directions.
2. Grab muffin pan and flip it upside down, spraying the cups with non stick cooking spray.
3. Form cookie dough into balls.
4. Push dough around muffin cups, forming them into cookie "cups.
5. Bake according to package directions.
6. While cookies are backing mix together cream cheese and package Party Time Mixes Salted Caramel Dessert Mix*. Mix well.
7. Fold in whipped cream.
8. Once ingredients are well combined, refrigerate for two hours.
9. Once cookies are completely cooled scoop in dessert mix.
10. Sprinkle cups lightly with cinnamon.

*You can substitue you favorite flavor of Party Time Mixes Dessert Mix in this. 

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