Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Muffin Pan Cheeseburgers

I got inspired the other night for dinner and came up with this delicious dinner! It was very easy to make and I loved the size of the cheeseburgers. Perfect for little hands to pick up and makes portion control a bit easier. My oldest complained about it as soon as she took a bite, it was just the worst. And then the stinker proceeded to eat all of it, she just deconstructed it first. lol I will take it as a win since she actually ate dinner! Now to just work on all the complaining.

Muffin Pan Cheeseburgers by Rachael Belt

3 strips bacon
1 lb ground beef
1/2 package Party Time Mixes Bacon & Onion Dip
6 hamburger buns
3 slices America cheese
Pickles, ketchup, mustard

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. 
2. In a pan cook bacon, set to the side on a paper towel lined plate to drain. Once cooled, break into 12 pieces. 
3. Using the same pan from the bacon, cook the ground beef, adding the 1/2 package Bacon & Onion Dip.
4. Drain grease.
5. Spray a muffin pan with nonstick spray.
6. Press half a hamburger bun, cut side up, into each greased muffin cup.
7. Spoon hamburger mixture into each hamburger bun.
8. Top with pieces of bacon and a 1/4 piece of cheese.
9. Bake at 350 for 5-7 minutes, until cheese is melted. 
10. Top with your favorite hamburger toppings. 

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