Monday, August 21, 2017

Salted Caramel Cupcakes

Do you enjoy a bit of sweet and salty combined? Check out this delicious cupcake recipe! What's not to love about the classic combination of salt and caramel? This would be a perfect fall treat, or anytime really.
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Salted Caramel Cupcakes by Brandi Colvin Drew

Cupcake Recipe:
1 package yellow cake mix
Icing Recipe:
1 can vanilla frositng
1 package Party Time Mixes Salted Caramel Dessert Mix
1-2 Tablespoons caramel syrup
Toppings (optional):
Coarse sea salt
Caramel syrup

Cupcake Instructions:
1. Prepare cake mix as directed for cupcakes. Mix well.
2. Add 1 package Party Time Mixes Salted Caramel Dessert Mix to cake batter. Combine well.
3. Bake according to cake mix directions for cupcakes.
4. Cool completely before frosting.
Icing Instructions:
1. In a clean bowl combine 1 package Party Time Mixes Salted Caramel Dessert Mix and vanilla frosting.
2. Stir in caramel syrup. Mix well. 
3. Place a decorative tip in an icing bag and fill with icing. 
4. Top cooled cupcakes with frosting.
5. Garnish with additional caramel syrup and sea salt if desired.

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